2014 Selected Charities
Belgian Charities
ASBL International Resource Information
VZW Zimbakids
ASBL/VZW Scale Dogs
VZW Verenering voor Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus
VZW De Overmolen
ASBL Religieuses de la Sainte Famille d’Helmet
ASBL Centre d’Action Sociale “Anastasia”
VZW Stuurkracht – Trefpunt
International Charities
(ITA) Pelepole
(SVK) Malicek obciamske zdruzenie
(GRC) Kentro Agapis Elefsinas
(BiH) NGO “Zenski centar” Trebinje
(BiH) Omladinsko udruženje “Plemenito srce”
(GBR) Friends of Sure 24
(SRB) Association “Halfway there”
(SVK) Charity of St. Elisabeth
(SRB) Humanitarian centre Heart
(GRC) Association of parents guardians and friends of people with autism Larissa Prefecture
(ROU) Community Association “Crasna” Domanesti ACCD
(HRV) Association Dyxy
(ESP) Association of leisure for intelectual disabled people
(SVN) Organization of Cerebral Paralize “Soncek” Posavje
(EST) Estonian association of the parents of children with cancer
(LVA) NGO Dizvanagi
(ITA) Roberta for Children