2015 Selected Charities
Belgian Charities
Vriendenkring BUSO Baken
Kanunnik Lemairefonds VZW
Save Children of Hope VZW
Community Help Service (CHS)
Pelicano Foundation
NoNameChild (NONA)
International Charities
(HUN) Örzök Public Foundation for Children with Tumor and Leukemia at Tüzoltó Street
(LTU) „Mamų unija” (Mothers union)
(SVK) Autizmus ako dar (Autism as a gift)
(HUN) The Children’s Heart Foundation
(LTU) Vilnius Children and Youth Diabetes Club “Diabite Plius” (Vilnius Vaiku lr Jaunino Diabeto Klubas “Diabite Plius”)
(EST) The Crisis Program for Children and Youth
(DNK) DINNødhjælp
(UKR) Children of mankind
(ITA) O VIVEIRO ONLUS – Sogna con gli AngeliGREECE, Society for the Care of Minors
(BiH) Udruga roditelja djece i osoba s posebnim potrebama Orasje
(ROU) St Nicholas Proctector of the Poor
(SVN) Foudation Jakec and the Magic Torch, Institution for aiding children with Cerebral Palsy
(LVA) Camp “HOPE”
(SVK) Maják n.o.
(ROU) “Don Orione” Beneficence
(PRT) Associaçao de Ajuda ao Recém – Nascido – Banco do Bebé
(CZE) The Czechoslovak Hussite Church in Trutnov
(CZE) Navšechnočas z.s
(PRT) Abrigo Seguro – Assocjaçao de Solidarieddade Social
(HRV) “SCRE” – association of children with development disabilities disabled people and their families
(ESP) Association of disabled Barrena la Montera
(ITA) Laboratorio teatrale San Paolo
(GRC) Society of Protection and Relief for Children With Brain Damage and Special Needs
(BiH) Assiciation for Help Children and Youth with Special Needs « Sunce », Pale
(POL) Association of Developing Children’s Activity “CHANCE”
(GBR) 1st Corsham (Lord Methuen’s Own) Scout Group