2016 Selected Charities
Belgian Charities
Auto Developpement Afrique (ADA)
La Rayon d’Espoir a.s.b.l.
EU Oral & Dental Education Center (EODEC)
Sauvez mon enfant a.s.b.l.
Voedselbank West-Vlaanderen v.z.w.
La Soucoupe a.s.b.čl.
International Charities
(GRC) Social Initiative Association of Veria, Initiative for the child
(UKR) Charitable Foundation “Happy Child”
(CZE) Accompanying Endowment Fond for the Hospice Movement in Czeck Republic
(LTU) Childhood Cancer Fund Rugute
(ITA) La Caramella Buona ONLUS
(ITA) Lorenzofacciungoal ONLUS
(NLD) Spot Tanzania
(ROU) Children’r Rainbow Association
(NLD) Stichting Storm of Life
(ESP) Cystic Fibrosis Association Murciana
(HRV) Judo Club for People with Disabilities
(LVA) Supporting fund of Liepaja Regional Hospital
(LTU) Charity and Support fundation Algojimas
(the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia*) Gauss Institute-Foundation for new technologies, innovations and knowledge transfer
(HRV) Udruga osoba sa cebralnom paralizom “SRCE” Split
(UKR) Charity Found for the Children of Ukraine
(ROU) Acociatia Hatieganu Papai Pariz
(HUN) Bihar Surgery Association
(LVA) Fundation Zante Family Crisi Centre
(SVK) Atleticky Klub Zdravotne Postihnutchy Obcanov “Proficio”
*Turkey recognises the Republic Of Macedonia by its constitutional name.